Terms for Our Auctions 2025

Auctioneer Håkan Ottosson AB (company reg. no. 556079-3282) (hereafter referred to as "HOAB Auctions") conducts online auctions on behalf of its clients at www.hoabauktioner.se. HOAB Auctions primarily caters to businesses. All sales are conducted on behalf of the seller and in the seller's name. There is no commission relationship.


The buyer registers by completing the registration form. You must be registered as a buyer to access HOAB Auctions’ services. By registering, the buyer accepts the terms and agrees to comply with the conditions outlined below. A customer number will be assigned. When registering as a company, the listed contact person must be an authorized signatory. The customer will be reviewed during registration.

The buyer is solely responsible for all actions taken under the buyer’s username and password. The buyer must not share or sell their username or password to any third parties. After use, the buyer must log out to protect personal information in relation to other users of the same network.

HOAB Auctions reserves the right to deny individuals or companies access to www.hoabauktioner.se if attempts to misuse or commit fraud using the services provided on the website are detected. Legal action will be taken if denied access is not accepted.

Personal Data (GDPR)

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we inform you that the information you provide through our web forms will be handled confidentially for the purpose of maintaining a satisfactory customer relationship with HOAB Auctions.

HOAB Auctions primarily caters to businesses. We store company registration numbers, but also personal identification numbers if private individuals register. These are used for credit checks and invoicing.

Personal data collected is used to administer and provide services, control customer numbers/my pages, and monitor the use of these. This is solely to prevent misuse of customer numbers/my pages. Customer data is also used to tailor product offerings. Personal data is further used for invoicing and communication of important information to the customer.

The customer agrees that HOAB Auctions may use their personal data to contact and communicate important information related to their interests.

If the customer no longer wishes to receive such messages, they may inform us in writing. The customer may request to be removed from our register as long as it does not conflict with other legislation.

Some parts of this website use session cookies to provide the user with additional features, such as the personalized account for logged-in customers. If you do not accept the use of cookies, you cannot fully utilize this website. Browsers can be set to automatically deny cookies or notify the user when a website uses cookies. Some parts of our website may not function without cookies.

Condition of Items

All items are used and sold as-is (the condition of the item at the end of the auction). HOAB Auctions does not conduct a technical or thorough inspection. The seller is questioned about the condition of the item. The buyer should independently inspect the item before the auction. Viewings of items are held before the auction on the specified dates.

The seller is solely responsible for all information about the item and for any defects or shortcomings. HOAB Auctions is fully exempt from responsibility regarding all incoming and missing information about the item's condition.

The buyer must immediately report any hidden defects to the seller, but no later than 8 days from collection. The conditions in § 19 of the Swedish Sale of Goods Act do not apply. Complaints should be made to the seller for discussion regarding compensation or return. This applies to obvious hidden defects not mentioned in the item description. The buyer's right to submit a complaint (including for hidden defects) expires completely after 8 days.

If the seller has provided inaccurate or incomplete information regarding the condition of the item, HOAB Auctions has the right to decide whether the sale should be reversed if the buyer and seller cannot reach an agreement. It is the buyer's responsibility to return the item to the pickup location.

If an item is marked as a repair item, it has not undergone an inspection by HOAB Auctions. This means that there may be defects and issues not documented in images or text.

If the auction description is brief, the buyer must treat the item as a repair item, meaning it could have hidden or unknown defects. Motorized vehicles with a value under SEK 35,000 are automatically considered repair items.

If the buyer uses a transport company without inspecting the auction item beforehand, the buyer has approved the item’s condition when it leaves the seller's pickup location.

If damage occurs during loading and the item no longer matches the images, it is up to the seller and transporter to notify the buyer of the damage before the item leaves the pickup location. After discussion, the damage will be evaluated, and reasonable compensation should be paid to the buyer if the seller was negligent during loading, or the purchase will be reversed if significant damage occurs.

Bidding, Purchase, and Payment

Bids are binding and cannot be canceled by the buyer. If the reserve price is not reached, the bid will not be reversed after the auction ends.

The seller is allowed to repurchase items. This incurs a cost for the seller if the item is not sold.

Bids are placed via individual customer numbers. The minimum bid is shown through the bidding ladder in the terms. There is an option to place an autobid, which is not visible on the item page. The bidder’s bid is always a max bid. The winning bid can therefore be lower than the stated max bid. When an autobid is placed, the system will bid as evenly as possible up to that max bid.

If two identical bids are placed on an item, the first bid will win.

When the auction end time is within (2) minutes, registered bids will automatically extend the bidding by (2) minutes. In some cases, the time may vary.

HOAB Auctions has the right to reject sales and disregard bids due to technical problems, typographical errors, or other reasons. If technical issues occur, HOAB Auctions may extend or reschedule the auction until the issue is resolved. Information about this will be available on the website.

A reserve price is the price the seller has accepted for the item. The reserve price is hidden, but it is always visible if the reserve price has been met. When the reserve price is reached, it will be indicated in green text on the current bid. The seller has the right to accept bids below or above the reserve price.

An auction may conclude in two ways:

  • If the reserve price is met, an invoice is sent to the winning bidder (the buyer).
  • If the reserve price is not met, the seller has the right to accept the highest bid, and an invoice will be sent to the winning bidder (the buyer), though the buyer will be informed beforehand.

If the reserve price is not met, HOAB Auctions has the right to mediate between the customer and the seller to discuss an acceptable bid. If no agreement is reached, the item will return for a new auction or be discussed with the second bidder on the list. HOAB Auctions will contact the customer after the auction has ended via email or phone.

After the auction ends, § 4.8 will apply, and the invoice will usually be sent to the buyer within the next few days. Payment must be made before pickup, unless an approved credit check is applied. If payment is not received by the due date, late fees will apply from the due date until full payment is made. The buyer is also liable for any collection costs. Section 5.2 applies, and after 30 days, the item will be returned to the seller.

Before full payment is made for an auction item, the buyer is prohibited from pledging, selling, or otherwise using the item under penalty. If this prohibition is violated, the buyer is liable for damages to HOAB Auctions.

The seller is responsible for the item until the auction ends. The responsibility then shifts to the buyer.

In case of a dispute, HOAB Auctions will be excluded, and the matter will be handled directly between the buyer and seller.

A 25% value-added tax (VAT) will be added to the item unless otherwise stated. Other fees will be specified on the respective item.

Credit purchases are possible. See information under each auction. Otherwise, payment must be made before item pickup.


Only when the invoice has been fully paid or approved credit check is recorded by HOAB Auctions can the buyer pick up the item on the designated day for collection. A receipt/proof of collection must be shown on site before loading/pickup. The buyer is responsible for pickup and any disassembly of the item in agreement with the seller. If disassembly is required, the buyer must ensure that safety regulations are followed.

The buyer must pick up their item according to the designated pickup times listed under each auction or by agreement if no other times are specified. If the item is not picked up during the specified or agreed times, a fee will be charged per item unless otherwise agreed with the seller. If the item is not picked up within 30 days after the auction ends, the seller has the right to reclaim the item or sell it to someone else, even if payment has been made.

  • SEK 600 excluding VAT per started week for items under SEK 25,000 in sale price.
  • SEK 1,000 excluding VAT per started week for items over SEK 25,000 in sale price. The fee will be invoiced to the buyer afterwards.

If the pickup is delayed and a fee is incurred, the possibility of complaints will be removed, as the condition of the item may have been affected by external circumstances during this period.


HOAB Auctions has the right to modify the content of its pages and items without the buyer’s consent, though the seller will be informed of significant changes.

HOAB Auctions has the right to move the auction if the seller requests it.

HOAB Auctions reserves the right to amend these terms. Customers will be notified in a manner deemed appropriate or necessary by HOAB Auctions. The new terms will apply from the day they are published on the website.

Export EU

When a sale occurs outside Sweden, both the seller and buyer are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding international sales, purchases, and shipping of items. Sales are conducted within the EU.

For exemption from Swedish VAT – EU buyers pay the full invoice amount including VAT after the auction ends. Once the item has been exported to another EU country, the buyer may receive a VAT refund upon presentation of a valid VAT number. The buyer must provide a valid export certificate within 10 days to be eligible for the VAT refund.

The export certificate must be provided to HOAB Auctions by email within 10 days, after which the possibility for reimbursement expires. The export certificate must include:

  • Buyer’s company name, buyer's name, personal ID number, and address.
  • VAT number.
  • Date of export.
  • Item name, type, and quantity.
  • Location and time of arrival of items in another EU country.
  • Registration number of the transport vehicle.
  • Invoice from the transport company.

The buyer must also provide their IBAN number and SWIFT address along with the account holder’s name at pickup.

The buyer is fully responsible for the item’s pickup and transport out of the country.

If someone other than the buyer picks up the item, they must show valid identification.

An administrative fee of 5% excluding VAT applies for export transactions.